Through the study of Physics, students learn how the laws of Physics and core ideas can solve real world problems. They will build upon their prior knowledge from their secondary education in Physics by acquiring deeper knowledge linking concepts across branches of Physics.
At TMJC, our students will learn to be self-directed and active contributors through team-based learning. They will learn real-world applications and relevance to daily life such as the enormous benefits and catastrophic effects on humankind with the application of nuclear physics. Lessons will also leverage ICT such as the use of accelerometers in hand-phones and the use of motion tracking software to investigate motion of objects. These experiences enhance students’ ability to adapt to the fast-changing technology in the university landscape.
H1 Physics students systematically develop their understanding of key areas of Physics in Measurement, Newtonian Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Nuclear Physics. H2 Physics students take on extra challenges in learning about Oscillations and Waves, Thermal Physics and Modern Physics.
Through laboratory practices, H2 students hone their experimental skills and investigations towards solving problems. In the classrooms and lectures, teachers engaged students with videos, animations and live Physics demonstrations to build on their understanding.
We encourage our students to learn beyond the curriculum. Enrichment programmes/activities include:
- Our in-house research projects
- Physics enrichment camps organised by NTU and NUS
- Singapore Physics Olympiad training
For more information on the H1 and H2 Physics syllabus:
In-House workshop on Aerodynamics