Theatre Studies & Drama
The Theatre Studies and Drama (TSD) Elective Programme explores the human experience through the conceptualisation, construction, and reception of theatrical events and dramatic texts.
At TMJC TSD, we believe that each student is unique. We aim to embolden our young student-artists to be critical thinkers about the world around them through a values-driven education. With the backing of dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and encouraging peers, we strive to develop a community of student-artists who give their best to their craft.
We believe in building a community of learners who love their craft, take ownership of their work, and who have the courage to try new and exciting things. Our TSDians seek truth in their craft and tell stories that they believe in because they believe in the transformative potential of drama.
Students have the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence in creative mediums they are passionate about, strengthening their courage to express themselves freely and to try again despite setbacks.
Our learning takes place within our TMJC Performance Lab, in weekly practical workshops focusing on performative skills, complemented by seminar-style praxis lessons and discussions.
Performance methods covered in lessons and workshops range from the canonical practitioners such as Stanislavski, Grotowski, Brecht, Boal, to contemporary influences like Suzuki, and Viewpoints. Students will also gain knowledge in a wide range of exciting theatrical traditions (e.g. Commedia Dell’arte, Dance-Theatre, Butoh) and examine how Art movements (e.g. Russian Constructivism, Surrealism, Expressionism) interact with theatrical forms. Students are expected to read vigorously to develop a niche area for their Individual Skills assessment.
Opportunities for experiential learning and practice will be provided through the TMJC TSD Masterclass Series, which have included workshops with theatre companies such as Frantic Assembly (UK), The Finger Players (SG), Nine Years Theatre (SG) in areas such as vocal work and playwriting.
The Department also organises learning journeys to watch theatrical performances, and leverages on digital platforms to enable students’ appreciation of various theatrical processes. Students are encouraged to reflect after every learning journey to develop analytical thinking, confidence in articulation, as well as ability to respond critically to creative stimuli.
For more information on the H2 Theatre Studies & Drama syllabus:
H2 Theatre Studies & Drama Syllabus Document (9519)

Group Skills Performance

Immersive Lesson at Jap Cemetery Park
Individual Skill (Acting - Duologue)
Individual Skill (Acting - Monologue)
Individual Skill (Costume Design)
Individual Skill (Devised Performance)
Individual Skill (Devised Performance)
Individual Skill (Devised Performance)

Junior Practical Workshop Initiation

Lesson Demonstration for Zonal Director

TSD Design Strand Coursework Exhibition