Economics focuses on the study of rational decision-making by various economic agents such as consumers, producers and the government. The A-Level syllabus covers both Microeconomics (a study of individual markets) and Macroeconomics (a study of the whole economy) with the aim to develop students’ interest in real-world economic events and the ability to understand various perspectives, think analytically, critically evaluate and come to a well-reasoned judgment.
In TMJC, besides the explicit teaching of disciplinary knowledge (concepts and skills), an inquiry-based approach using case studies is adopted to facilitate students’ understanding and application of economic concepts and theories to authentic and diverse real world issues. Lessons are supported with ICT to encourage self-directed and collaborative learning by students. This is further supplemented with a variety of enrichment activities to deepen students’ interest and broaden their understanding of Economics in Singapore and the world. These activities include participation in competitions held by external organisations, and interactions with industry experts through seminars, learning journeys and overseas trips.
For more information on the H1 and H2 Economics syllabus:
H1 Economics Syllabus Document (8843)
H2 Economics Syllabus Document (9570)