Student Well Being
Whilst academic development and achievement are important, character development is also an essential part of a student’s holistic development. In TMJC, we believe in nurturing our students to be responsible and respectful young leaders who take ownership of their growth and development. This belief is achieved through our holistic approach in discipline and student welfare support to inculcate effective self-awareness and self-management skills in students. The College places emphasis on self-discipline, which we believe will in turn have a positive impact on learning and performance. We guide our students to cultivate good habits and instil self-discipline through the interactions with their Civics Tutors, Subject Tutors and CCA teachers.
Counselling Support
The TMJC Counselling team aims to provide care and support for the well-being of our students. Students with personal issues or problems may approach their Civics Tutors, the School Counsellor or any of the Teacher-Counsellors for help. The contact information for the Teacher-Counsellors and School Counsellor can be found in the College portal and notice boards.
We have a comprehensive Peer Support Programme which includes Peer Support Leaders trained to provide peer support and peer helping. The Peer Support Leaders play the role of active listeners to their friends and direct their friends to professional help if necessary. At the College level, Peer Support Leaders advocate for mental health issues and lead in college-wide student welfare projects. Peer Support Leaders also befriend and buddy the international students in TMJC to promote integration of international students studying in TMJC.
Financial Assistance
A variety of financial assistance schemes are available to help our needy students. There are bursaries provided by MOE and external organisations. There is also an MOE-funded Opportunity Fund for enrichment activities. Students who require financial aid in any form may approach their Civics Tutors or any Teacher-Counsellors for help.
updated on 25 August 2021