Term 4
TMJC Economics Edventure Learning Day 21 November 2023: Micro and Macro Economic Insights into the Singapore Economy
The JC1 Economics students embarked on a journey of discovery, fun and insights into micro issues such as how firms work and decisions made and macro issues such as environmental sustainability (economic growth) and policies. They visited Elba E-Waste, Comcrop, You Tiao Man, and the Monetary Authority of Singapore. They also learnt about financial literacy and investment through games and activities such as the CPF Catching Insomnia game, the Last Reserve Game and GIC Safe House programme. Our JC1 Economics students had an interesting day seeing how Economics come alive #TMJCEconomicsEnrichment #LearningJourney #SingaporeEconomy.

Embracing Inclusivity with The Purple Parade 2023
At TMJC, we believe in the power of unity and celebrating the abilities of all individuals, including Persons with Disabilities in Singapore. The Purple Parade is not just an event; it is a movement that promotes awareness and advocates inclusivity.
On 4 November 2023, our student representatives from the Interact Club had the privilege to participate in the contingent march of the Purple Parade 2023 at Suntec City, standing alongside Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS).
Prior to the actual parade, our staff also showed our support by “Going Purple”. Staff also supported our local community, especially small family businesses with children who have special needs, like @lytmuztest and @junlefont. By purchasing their delectable donuts and merchandise, we contributed to the growth of these local entrepreneurs and created more opportunities for individuals with special needs.
Let us continue to promote inclusivity, and be a part of The Purple Parade's mission to create a more inclusive Singapore. 💜✨
#PurpleParade2023 #SupportInclusion #CelebrateAbilities #SupportLocal #LetsAllGoPurple

Deepavali Celebrations 2023
Deepavali celebrations 2023 at TMJC was a vibrant affair put together by our very own Tamil Language and non-Tamil Indian Languages students who started a student-initiated Indian Activity Club (IAC) this year. The IAC kicked off the celebrations on 18 October with an assembly programme to share about Deepavali traditions and featured vibrant dance and singing performances.
A CG bonding activity was organised on 19 October in which CGs came together to create Diya lamp cards 🪔 and enjoyed tasting delicious murukku with classmates! The Diyas created were used to decorate the festive corner at TM Cove which was set up for students to chill out and enjoy some DIY activities like henna painting, rangoli and lamp painting activities, and to foster a sense of community amongst students.
The activity that wrapped up the celebrations was the Cultural Exchange VIA at Poi Ching School on 31 October. In the activity, the IAC members shared with Poi Ching students on Deepavali traditions and set up experiential booths for them to try out murukku making, thoranam decor making, indian dance and music.
The myriad of activities and events have given our students an immersive cultural experience, setting the mood for Deepavali, the festival of lights!

JC2 Awards Ceremony and Farewell Assembly
On 13 October 2023, we officially bade farewell to our students from the Class of 2023. The day started off with the annual Tembusu Tree Planting Ceremony, where the graduating batch planted a Tembusu tree to commemorate the shared experiences and achievements of their cohort.
The next segment was the Awards Ceremony, where the cohort celebrated the achievements of their peers in both academic and co-curricular areas. It was a joyous occasion where all JC2 students gathered in the hall to cheer on their friends who were recognised for their contributions and accomplishments.
This was followed by the Farewell Assembly programme, where teachers and juniors offered their well-wishes through heartwarming and captivating videos as well as mesmerising live performances. Students sang and clapped along to song parodies and ended off on a high with the college 'O' cheer, punctuated with a special appearance by the newly minted College mascot, Skye.
Each student was also given a memento consisting of a Farewell Booklet and a TMJC graduation bear to remember their College days. Student Leaders also received a charging cable kit in appreciation of their service and contribution.
We wish the graduating cohort all the best for their 'A' Levels and their future endeavours. TM Boleh!

Visit by students from Rysensteen Gymnasium, Denmark
On 10 October, we had the pleasure of hosting staff and students from Rysensteen Gymnasium, Denmark. Our Citizenship Education Ambassadors played host to their Danish buddies who experienced a day in the life of a TMJC student in the post-exam season. True to their trip’s anthropological focus, our Danish friends woke up early that morning and took public transportation to College to experience the morning rush hour commute. A welcome breakfast consisting of traditional breakfast dishes such as Nasi Lemak and Fried Beehoon awaited them, followed by cross-cultural learning about the education systems of both countries and classroom lesson immersion. Later that afternoon, the buddy pairs explored community building efforts in Our Tampines Hub, alongside supporting local businesses and tasting traditional Singaporean desserts such as the ‘Singaporean ice-cream sandwich’ made of melted ice-cream blocks wrapped with a slice of rainbow bread. A wonderful time of cross-cultural interaction and learning was had by all!

Most Inspiring Tamil Teachers’ Award 2023
Tampines Meridian Junior College is proud to share that Mdm Shamini d/o Raja Kumar from the Tamil Unit of the Mother Tongue Languages Department has been awarded the “Most Inspiring Tamil Teachers’ Award 2023”. She is one of the 6 teachers who received the award from the 179 teachers nominated. This annual award recognises the stellar performance of Tamil teachers in their role in educating and promoting the Tamil Language among their students. Since the Award’s inception in 2002, it has recognised over 200 inspiring Tamil Language educators in Primary, Ssecondary schools, Junior Colleges and Millennia Institute, and the award winners have been role models to other Tamil Language educators in nurturing our students’ love for the language. On 16 September 2023, Mdm Shamini received her award from Ms Indranee Thurai Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and National Development at a ceremony at the Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre.

Distinguished Chinese Language Teachers Award 2023
Tampines Meridian Junior College is proud to share that Ms Gan Siaw Fang from the Chinese Unit of Mother Tongue Languages Department has been awarded the “Distinguished Chinese Language Teachers Award 2023”. She is one of the 8 teachers being awarded from the 420 teachers nominated. This annual award, in its 26th edition, is to acknowledge teachers who have made an exemplary effort in the teaching of the Chinese language and culture, and cultivate students' interest in Chinese language and culture through creative teaching methods or co-curricular activities. On 9 September 2023, Ms Gan received her award from Ms Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State for Education and Minister of State for Manpower at a ceremony at Singapore Press Holdings' News Centre.
Congratulations Ms Gan!

Teachers’ Day 2023
All aboard Flight TM2023! In line with our theme, ‘Teachers Change the World’, TMJC celebrated the kindness, generosity and hardwork of our teachers by bringing them on a holiday experience around the world.
Our School Leaders started the celebrations dressed as flight Captains at Morning Assembly where our Principal, Mr Sin, thanked and encouraged our teachers in continuing to inspire each and every one of us. TMJCians then spent some quality time with their Civics Tutors and Subject Tutors during class-based celebrations where we pampered our teachers with a meaningful collection of short appreciation notes and a bag tag to encourage them to take a little travel break when they can! Games and food were also shared in this personalised part of the celebration, or rather pre-flight refreshments.
The celebrations then culminated in the in-flight entertainment in the hall which was a flight-themed concert that brought us on a journey around the world with performances inspired by the likes of cities like Tokyo, New York and of course, Singapore. Our concert ended with a heartening video collage of memories of our teachers at work to the meaningful song ‘You have made a Difference’ by Brian Asselin. Indeed teachers,
“You have made a difference You have shaped our minds You have changed the world One child at a time You have always been there In everything you do We hope that you're as proud of us As we are proud of you”
Happy Teachers’ Day!