Term 1
TM Run 2022
On the 10th of March 2022, TMJC held our TM Run. This year, it was organised with the same format as 2021 but with the fresh inclusion of fringe activities and a creative cheer competition which encouraged the innovative use of banners, clappers, and pompoms initiated by the students. All the activities were organised with adherence to safe management measures and were planned in conjunction with our TMJC Student Councillors, who demonstrated a genuine heart to lead and serve the College.
In preparation for TM Run, student competitors had been training diligently during and outside of PE lessons, and fellow classmates rallied their support by training alongside them as a form of camaraderie. In light of the logistical needs of the event that had to prioritise safety and adherence to safe distancing measures, students and staff readily volunteered to support as first aiders, ushers, road marshals, registration and transition zone referees, and helpers.
Our students demonstrated their passion and commitment to the College as everyone played a vital role on that day. The TM Run competitors ran earnestly as they represented their CG, the spectators presented and utilised their handcrafted props to cheer their friends on and contributed to House points by participating actively in the fringe activities. Albeit the unfavourable weather conditions that brought the race to a premature end, the unforeseen circumstance was incapable of dampening our spirits and instead strengthened our College Spirit as a whole.
Indeed, TM Run is a testament to our College’s ability to improve and shine through adversity as we strive “To Be Better Together, United as One!”

JC1 Gratitude in Action - Red Dyed Eggs Activity
On 4th March, the JC1 students and their Civics Tutors had a great time participating in the Gratitude in Action activity where the students had a hand in dyeing eggs red to pack them into gift bags.
They also wrote thank you messages to their parents, to be included into the gift bags. The students presented the red eggs and some traditional cakes (kuehs) as a gift to their parents to show their gratitude at the start of their JC journey, to thank their parents for their care and support thus far.
We hope that the day’s activity provided the students with a good opportunity to bond with their classmates and helped to bring the parents and their children closer together.

TM Connects 2022
TM Connects, a community awareness event organised by the TMJC Values In Action Committee, was carried out virtually on 4 March 2022 from 2.30pm to 5pm through Zoom. The theme for TM Connects 2022 is “Opening Minds, Impacting Lives”.
Through TM Connects, we hope students can gain awareness and have a better understanding of different community issues, explore areas of interest and choose the organisations that they would like to serve. Thereafter, we hope TMJC students can seek to bring about positive change to the community.
We thank our partner organisations and students from selected JC2 CGs and CCA who have come forward and shared enthusiastically with our JC1 students about service learning via a virtual platform during the session!

Total Defence Day 2022
TMJC commemorated Total Defence Day (TDD) from 15 February to 11 March 2022 under the theme “Together, We Keep Singapore Strong”. Introduced in 1984 to mark the day Singapore fell to Japanese troops in 1942, the annual TDD Commemoration exhorts every Singaporean to play their part to keep Singapore safe, secure and independent.
Amid Singapore’s transition towards COVID resilience, the significance of the day becomes more pronounced. In light of this, during their Character & Citizenship Education lessons, students took perspective, discussed what Total Defence meant to them and learnt about the role they can play in Singapore’s national defence. The commemoration culminated in a mural display outside the General Office, a collaboration between the Citizenship Education Committee and the Art Unit. The Total Defence Mural functions as a daily visual reminder to all TMJC students on the importance of being united and adaptable in Singapore’s journey towards living with COVID.

Badge Pinning Ceremony
On 28 February 2022, the College held our annual Badge Pinning Ceremony. The ceremony symbolises the journey taken together by the JC1s and JC2s as they forge ahead as one TMJC student body.
During the ceremony, CG Chairpersons and Peer Support Leaders from each JC2 class presented the College collar pins to their JC1 juniors to welcome them to the TMJC family. The JC2 seniors were also given the opportunity to share words of advice on what is truly essential in creating a memorable and meaningful 2 years in TMJC. Having walked through the journey themselves, the JC2 seniors’ words of advice left a great impact on their juniors. The JC1s then proudly put on their College collar pins together, signifying the official start of their wonderful and exciting journey ahead in TMJC.

2021 A-Level Results Celebratory Treat
In TMJC, we believe in celebrating the efforts and hard work of our students in striving for excellence.
On 25 February 2022, our staff and students were treated to doughnuts, pastries, and ice cream as we celebrate the hard work of the Class of 2021 and their stellar results at the 2021 A-Level Examinations.
May this motivate and inspire our current students to do well too in all their endeavours!

Tembusu Tree-Planting Ceremony 2022
On 22nd February 2022, TMJC held our 3rd Tree-Planting Ceremony.
It represents a new beginning for the Class of 2021 as they graduate from
College, whilst leaving fond memories deeply etched to the grounds of the
This ceremony was led by Our School Leaders, Year Heads, together with
student representatives from the 3rd Tampines Meridian Student Council:
Ms Joanne Lin Min Hui (20S303 / President) and Mr Jves Tan (20S207 / Vice-President).
The Tembusu Tree-Planting Ceremony is a tradition TMJC started in 2020, as it commemorates the shared experiences and achievements of each cohort of students. The Tembusu Tree is chosen as it is a large, evergreen tree that matures with stately beauty, and can provide shelter for all. It is highly robust and can grow in almost any type of soil, testifying to its resilience. Such attributes symbolise the values and character that the College hopes to imbue in TMJC students.

Release of 2021 GCE A-Level Examination Results
On 22nd February 2022, our Class of 2021 returned to college to receive their GCE A-Level Examinations results.
Through a live broadcast, our Principal, Ms Pamela Yoong, shared the achievements of the Class of 2021. With anticipations escalating, Civic Tutors then distributed the results to individual students.
As they plan their next step, the College is here to support them in their journey ahead.
Our heartiest congratulations to the Class of 2021 for your stellar results.
As we celebrate together, we look out for one another!
TMJC is very proud of you!

Staff Professional Development (PD) 2
On the morning of 16 Feb 2022, our teachers came together for Staff PD Time 2.
The focus for that morning was on Formative Assessments and comprised of 2 parts:
Part 1 was a Zoom broadcast where our Instructional Mentors shared about how teachers can use the Analysis of Student Work tool in understanding where our students are and how we can move them to the next level.
During Part 2, our Teachers-Leaders, together with their 2021 Professional Learning Team (PLT) members shared their team's progress and key learning takeaways at the various breakout venues.
There were a total of 5 breakout sessions for our TMJC teachers to choose from, namely, Growth Mindset, Differentiated Instructions, HOTWARE, Peer feedback, and iGlow.
Our teachers were inspired by the passionate sharing and are ready to try some of the strategies in their own classrooms!

Gifts from our Hearts
On 15 Feb 2022, 29 Festive Hampers were presented to the seniors at COMNET@476A Pasir Ris. These hampers were gifts from our TMJC Staff's heart where each department came together to put together hampers filled with necessities for our seniors.
Through this endeavour, the College hopes to share some festive joy and care by reaching out to the seniors in our Pasir Ris Community. ❤

Appreciation to our Support Staff
On 9 Feb 2022, together with our School leaders, the TMJC Staff Wellbeing Committee presented Ang Baos to our college Support Staff to thank them for supporting us in our college daily operations.
The Ang Baos are voluntary contributions from our staff and we would like to thank them for their generosity in appreciating our hardworking OSOs, Contract Cleaners, Security Guards, and ICT personnel!
Thank you, TMJC Support Staff!

JC1 Orientation & CCA Recruitment 2022
On the 7th of February 2022, TMJC kicked off our JC1 Orientation, Voyage,
to receive our 5th batch of students. As our JC1s begin their JC journey,
Voyage hopes to take them beyond their academic pursuits and bond them
together, ready to embrace challenges as a team. The image of a ship setting
off on a journey, aims to evoke excitement and build teamwork amongst the
JC1s. In this journey, all staff and students will unite as a family to
overcome all obstacles.
The first day saw a series of informative JC Curriculum Talk and a Dialogue
with School Leaders and Academic Heads that allowed students the opportunity
to get a better understanding of the academic demands and rigor of the
various disciplines. Students also enthusiastically visited the subject
booths to find out more about the different subjects offered in TMJC.

The subsequent days of Orientation shed light on the robust College Spirit and vibrant student experiences here in TMJC. Dynamic House walk-in dances that the OGLs had prepared for months to fervently receive our JC1s sparked off the Day 2 activities. A series of icebreakers and bonding games were curated to pave the way for new friendships. In addition, the OGLs took on the roles as College Tour Ambassadors and enthusiastically introduced our College venues and facilities to the JC1s.

On Day 3, the adventure continued as the JC1s partook in an exciting Scavenger Hunt experience which taught the JC1s the significance of our College Anthem. In addition, the JC1s were given the opportunity to warm up and dance as they learnt the 2022 College Mass Dance choreographed to the song, “We’re All In This Together”. This song was specially selected to induct the JC1s into our TMJC family and reinforce the understanding that we will “Be Better Together, United as One”.

On Day 4, the OGLs facilitated fun and enriching Internal Games that taught our OGMs the importance of our College values. The JC1s experienced the climax of Orientation as they watched the myriad of live Finale House and CCA performances that were uniquely designed to inspire the JC1s with our exuberant College Spirit. The OGLs also continued to model the way by encouraging their juniors to innovate and upcycle used bottles and cans with environmental sustainability as their motivation.

Day 5 brought the Orientation adventure to an exhilarating end as the JC2 CCA Leaders’ inspired our juniors with the iconic CCA Leaders’ Walk-in and Oath Taking Ceremony. The day ended with a meaningful JC1 CCA Recruitment Exercise and CCA Booth Exhibition where our Performing Arts, Sports and Games, and Clubs and Societies CCA Leaders shared with their juniors about their heartfelt CCA life in TMJC, and the unique experiences their CCA can offer, so as to help our JC1s to make an informed decision.

All in all, our JC1s enjoyed Orientation, grew in character, and became a part of the TMJC Family. Our JC2 OGLs also rose to the challenge of inducting the JC1s in an innovative way amidst the challenging considerations to keep the College family safe.
Welcome to TMJC once again, JC1s!
Chinese New Year Celebrations with our International Scholars
On 31 January 2022, as part of our TMJC CNY Celebrations, our 24 JC2 International Scholars met our Principal, Ms Pamela Yoong, to exchange well wishes for the Lunar New Year. During the session, Ms Yoong shared words of blessings with them on behalf of the College. In return, our scholars shared hopes for the College in line with the positive qualities of the Tiger.
This year, our Scholars were unable to return to their home countries to celebrate the Lunar New Year with their families nor have their families visit them in Singapore. As such, this made this occasion meaningful and special for our Scholars as we celebrated with them as a TMJC family.
The College wishes our Scholars a Happy Lunar New Year!

TMJC Chinese New Year Celebrations 2022
As we enter the Lunar Year of the Tiger, our TMJC family celebrated the annual Chinese New Year joyously on 31 January. Despite the ongoing pandemic, our festive spirits were not dampened.
The celebration kicked off with a music performance by our very own Chinese Orchestra, building a joyful atmosphere. This was followed by the screening of two in-house productions: “虎 and Huat is behind our Lunar New Year traditions” by the Citizenship Education Student Committee and “Our Lunar New Year traditions” by Talent Development students, revolving around the theme of celebrating the rich cultural traditions of the Lunar New Year, locally and in different Asian communities.

The second highlight of the celebration was the “Pawsome! Challenge”. Each JC 2 civics group came together to complete a series of meaningful activities related to the theme “Year of Courage and Strength”. Some of the interesting tasks included: each class taking a new year well-wishes video with their Civics Tutor, acting out their interpretation of the symbolic characteristics of tiger, as well as using red packets to piece together the Chinese character - 虎 (Tiger). The time spent together has indeed bonded the class!

Our CCA groups, Guitar Ensemble, Choir, and Wushu also presented captivating video performances of celebratory music, songs, and martial arts, heightening the festive cheer. As part of Lunar New Year tradition, the student leaders presented mandarin oranges to our school leaders, tutors and staff to express gratitude and appreciation.
Our teachers also participated in the Inter-department CNY Challenge in LT4 organised by our Staff Welfare Committee. Each department displayed their creativity to complete the tasks, which included Lantern Making and Spring Festival Couplet Making. The fun and laughter shared were truly memorable.

The celebration ended on a high note, with our School Leaders pasting 4 Chinese characters “虎虎生威” (Forging ahead with the vigour and vitality of the tiger) on the large colourful decal “TMJC celebrates CNY 2022”, motivating TMJCians to embody courage and strength as they journey forward in the year ahead.

CCE Facilitation Skills Workshop for JC1 Teachers
On 26 and 27 January 2022, TMJC conducted our very own in-house professional development workshop, which focuses on sharpening our teachers’ facilitation skills to create greater intellectual, affective, and experiential engagement for our students in CCE lessons. During the workshop, teachers examined how “Clarifying”, “Sensitising” and “Influencing” questions could be employed to facilitate the discussions on contemporary issues with students. Thereafter, teachers also had the opportunity to explore the use of the Context-Dimension Frame to promote dialogic teaching in the classroom, with the aim to engage our students in critical thinking and open discourse, and encourage active participation through the sharing of multiple perspectives.

JC1 Awards Ceremony
On 26 January 2022, TMJC held our JC1 Awards Ceremony to recognise and celebrate the good work of students in their JC1 journey in 2021. This year, the College introduced the Highest Distinction in Subject award to recognise students who have attained distinction and outstanding performance in the different academic subjects. Students who performed well in their JC1 assessments were presented with the TMJC Book Prize (Bronze) and they can continue to strive to achieve the Silver medal for exemplary performance in JC2 Assessments and the Gold medal for sterling results at the GCE A-Level Examinations. This series of awards serve to inspire our students to apply themselves consistently and to strive for personal bests in their academic journey in TMJC.

Our Guest-of-Honour, Mr Jonathan Lim, an alumnus of one of our parent colleges (Tampines JC), motivated the cohort with his opening address and presented the MOE Edusave Character Award as well as the TMJC Alumni Scholarship to deserving students.
Congratulations to all our award recipients!

TM Unite2

On 21 January 2022, TM Unite2, a cohort Values in Action (VIA) programme
for the JC2 students to unite together to serve and make a positive impact
on our community was carried out. The programme also provided opportunities
for some of the JC2 students to step forward to lead the cohort in this
VIA event.
The theme for TM Unite2 this year was ‘Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
for a Greener Future’. This is in alignment with the Singapore Green Plan
where we hope that everyone can play a part to reduce carbon emissions,
keep our environment clean, and make saving resources and energy a way
of life in Singapore. Through a series of fun and engaging hands-on
activities related to environmental issues, students were able to
gain more experiential insights on the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle). Our JC2 Civic Groups embarked on different
reuse projects to transform by-products and waste materials, from items
that are otherwise useless or unwanted, into functional products. These
upcycled products will be given to the beneficiaries at
AMKFSC Community Services. Through this programme, we hope to inspire
all TMJC students to be young stewards for the environment.

Staff Professional Development (19 Jan)
On 19 Jan 2022, TMJC teachers came together for the 1st Professional Development (PD) Time!
To support the College’s 2022 TMJC Staff Professional Development (PD) Focus on “Understanding and Embracing Assessment Literacy”, the TMJC PD Toolkit was revisited. The Toolkit is made up of 3 components - self diagnosis tool, feedback tool and recommended PD Activities for staff.
Grow Me 2!, a four-steps cycle was also introduced to help the staff familarise and internalise the use of the PD Toolkit. Our College’s Instructional Mentors facilitated the session and shared more about how we can infuse mentoring language during our peer conversations as part of our Grow Me 2! Cycle.
The staff is excited to start their Grow Me 2! Cycle and we look forward to learning from one another in TMJC!

ideaSLAM! Virtual Hackathon
In December 2021, a team of five students took part in the ideaSLAM! Virtual
Hackathon. ideaSLAM! is Singapore’s largest Pre-University idea-pitching
hackathon that is open to all Junior Colleges, MI, Polytechnics, and ITEs,
with the aim of fostering a strong and cohesive entrepreneurial scene amongst
tertiary schools in Singapore.
Despite this competition being our students’ first Hackathon experience,
we are pleased to share that out of 49 teams, our
students emerged 4th. The judges were impressed by
the effort, creativity, and enthusiasm of our TMJC students.
The team comprises:
Well done, and congratulations to our TMJC Team!

E-Open House 2022
Tampines Meridian Junior College conducted our 2nd E-Open House this
In this year’s edition, prospective students and visitors were able to
have an insight into the vibrant and colourful snippets of College life
in TMJC through interviews with students and staff who showcase various
aspects of our College life.
In these interviews, our students and staff also share a typical day in TMJC and introduce some of our CCAs and Programmes. Despite not being able to tour the campus physically, our E-Open House Website hosts an interactive campus map for visitors to check out our College’s facilities in 3D such as our Sheltered Courts, Performance Lab, and our very own TMJC Garden!
A highlight for the e-Open House was our TM Engage on 14th January, Friday which included the School Leaders’ Live Webinar and Online Subject Consultations. In the morning, our School Leaders introduced our College to prospective students and engaged in an informative Q&A session. Later in the afternoon, the various Academic Departments also held online Subject Consultation Sessions so that prospective students could clarify their doubts with our Subject Tutors. We thank all prospective students and parents who joined us online for your lively participation!
Our Student Councillors have worked hard behind the scenes to design, prepare, and curate the content of our E-Open House. We look forward to welcoming our new batch of JC1s into our TMJC family!
We look forward to welcoming our new batch of JC1s into our TMJC family!

TMTalks - Student Leaders’ Dialogue
On 13 January 2022, our TMJC Student Councillors organised their first student body engagement session this year, TMTalks!
Concurrent sessions were conducted to engage CCA Leaders, CG Chairpersons, Peer Support Leaders, and student volunteers to gather feedback and insights into the concerns they have on how to improve the school environment. The participants were candid in their sharing and provided many constructive ideas to improve their well-being and learning environment.
The College hopes that through these meaningful conversations, we are embodying a culture of empowerment and care for our students.

First Day of School at Tampines Meridian Junior College 2022
On 11 January 2022, TMJC welcomed our JC2s back to college with our unique “Back-to-School” programme.
The exciting programme included creating a class banner to depict our College’s theme for the year – “Be Better Together, United as One”, Dialogue Session with our School Leaders, a communal breakfast provided by the College for the students to bond with their Civics Tutors and classmates, and various Staff vs Students Games.
Both staff and students had a wonderful time playing games such as Frisbee, Taboo, Soccer, Basketball, and Orientation-style station games. In the spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship, the College community bonded over this friendly competition!
Here’s to a wonderful 2022 ahead, TMJC - United as One!